Offensive MemesDark Memes

Edmonton Judgmental Map

Edmonton judgmental map

The “Judgmental Map of Edmonton” meme offers a funny, satirical view of the city, with neighborhood stereotypes exaggerated for comedic effect. It’s a work of art where every district gets its own label. From “Cult Like Atmosphere” to “People Bitching About Airplane Noises,” the map spares no one from its funny critique.

Central Edmonton is dubbed as the hub for “People with Shopping Addictions,” suggesting a consumer’s paradise, or perhaps a nightmare for minimalists and wallets alike. “Criminals Live Here” and “Gang Violence” areas offer a mock-warning to would-be visitors, while “Hookers and Blow” could be mistaken for the title of an unaired ’80s cop show set in the seedier parts of town.

The suburbs don’t escape the roasting with areas for “Alcoholics,” “Soccer Moms,” and “Old Shady Trailer Parks and More Warehouses,” painting a vivid picture of a diverse community – if one were looking through the lens of a stand-up comedian’s routine.

“Stinks Here” could be the result of questionable urban planning or perhaps a reference to a local factory that’s not quite making rose-scented perfumes. Meanwhile, the “Bud-Lite People” area might be where the beer is light, but the judgments are not.

For anyone looking to feel a touch of prestige, there’s the “People Who Think They Are Rich” district, ironically placed just a stone’s throw away from “Poor People.”

The map is a humorous and exaggerated portrayal of the diverse tapestry that makes up the city, reminding us all to take our urban stereotypes with a generous pinch of salt and a good-natured laugh. Which part of the city are you from?

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